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Ragnar Raids VANIR T-Shirt - c.OD - Size M

Availability: In stock

What is special about the VANIR T-shirt?

The idea behind the VANIR T-shirt is to offer a two-color garment that combines three materials: Shoulders in vigoré, the general structure is cotton with 8% elastane to improve the flexibility of the shirt and the third material is located in the armpit area to improve breathability in sweat prone areas, improving the ventilation of the whole garment.

We can also find a small pocket with an original YKK zipper on the left sleeve of the t-shirt.


What do the prints on the t-shirt mean?

On the front we will find the Ragnar Raids logo surrounded by some futhark runes, which means "Beware of an old man in a profession where men die young" something that every Viking should know in their Raids.

It has a print of the same color as the shirt on the back, some letters that have more or less visibility depending on the light and which say “Beware of an old man in a profession where men die young"




• Shell 1: 92% Cotton, 8% Elastane

• Shell 2: 80% Cotton, 20% Polyester

More Information
SKU 614789
Type Clothing - Shirts
Colour/Camo OD

Our courier partners deliver from Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays. We will attempt to dispatch all packages within 24 hours, although at peak times this may take slightly longer. Orders with products with two-tone service or Defence Check may take longer to dispatch.

Once the order is dispatched you will get an email with the tracking number and which courier partner it’s going to be delivered via. Any missing/incorrect items need to be reported with 48hrs of signed delivery.


Click Here to Download the Returns Form (PDF Format)

Faulty Product?! Unfortunately that is part of life but be rest assured we are here to help! Contact one of our friendly staff via phone or email. Stating what the problem is, if we can resolve the problem via phone or email great if not then they will advise how to send it back and what details we require.

Two tone
We can two tone any weapon we sell at Bespoke Airsoft. The purpose for two toning is if you do not hold a valid defense under the Violent Crimes Reduction Act (VCRA, 2006) which is to prevent the misuse of Replica Weapons, which applies in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The gun will be sprayed 51% in a bright/primary color (we do only blue, green and red currently). The process of two toning currently runs at 2 working days depending on Drying Time, which is effected by Ambient Temperature and Weather. and currently no express delivery is available for this even if you select it at checkout.