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Gel Blaster - M4 RIS - 2:3 Scale - Colours May Vary - Includes Battery and Charger

Gel Blaster - M4 RIS - 2:3 Scale - Colours May Vary - Includes Battery and Charger

Foam Blaster - M4 RIS - 2:3 Scale - Colours May Vary - Includes Battery and Charger

Foam Blaster - M4 RIS - 2:3 Scale - Colours May Vary - Includes Battery and Charger

Gel Blaster - AK - 2:3 Scale - Colours May Vary - Includes Battery and Charger

AK Gel Blaster

2:3 Scale - Colours May Vary - Includes Battery and Charger

Due to the inherent characteristics of this product, we regret to inform you that it is not covered by a warranty, and we are unable to accept any returns. We kindly request customers to exercise caution while using this item, as it may not withstand mishandling or excessive enthusiasm, which could result in damage

Availability: In stock

What are Orbeez Gel Blasters and why are they great for Kids?

Introduction: The Rise of Orbeez Gel Blasters

In the realm of recreational toys and activities, few toy guns have risen to prominence as quickly as the Ozbeez Gel Blaster. A seamless blend of fun, exercise, and creativity, Gel Blasters are the newest entrants that have taken the toy world by storm, particularly resonating with children.

But what makes them so attractive, and why are they considered great for kids?

Understanding the Orbeez Gel Blaster

At its core, a Gel Blaster is a toy gun that shoots water-absorbent polymer balls, commonly referred to as gel balls or orbees. These balls are environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and biodegradable, making them safe for children and the environment.

Safety First: A Parent's Dream

Parents are always on the lookout for toys that are not only fun but also safe. Gel Blasters address this concern remarkably well:

  1. Non-toxic Ammunition

The gel balls are made from super-absorbent polymer, which ensures they're harmless if accidentally ingested.

  1. No Hard Impact

Unlike traditional toy guns that shoot plastic pellets, gel balls break upon impact, minimising any risk of injury.

  1. Environmentally Friendly

The biodegradable nature of gel balls means there's no litter left behind, making Gel Blasters an eco-conscious choice.

Fostering Teamwork and Strategy

Beyond mere fun, Gel Blasters offer children an opportunity to engage in team-based activities. Much like paintball or airsoft, players often form teams, fostering collaboration, strategy formulation, and collective decision-making – skills that are invaluable as they grow older.

The Fitness Factor: Active Play for Active Kids

In an era where screen time often trumps outdoor play, Gel Blasters encourage children to be active. Running, ducking, and strategising on the move ensures that kids get their daily dose of physical activity, promoting healthier lifestyles.

Creativity and Customisation: Let Their Imagination Run Wild

One of the standout features of Gel Blasters is the ability to customise. From choosing colours to adding accessories, children get a chance to express their creativity. This customisation not only adds to the play value but also allows kids to develop a sense of ownership and pride in their unique creations.

Economic Value: Fun Doesn’t Have to Break the Bank

While many high-quality toys come with hefty price tags, Orbeez Gel Blasters offer exceptional value for money. The initial investment in a Gel Blaster can provide countless hours of entertainment, and the cost of gel balls is minimal, ensuring that fun remains continuous without burning a hole in the pocket.

Orbeez Gel Blasters – The Ideal Choice for Modern Play

Orbeez Gel Blasters represent the pinnacle of modern recreational toys. They seamlessly blend safety, fun, fitness, creativity, and economic value. Whether you're a parent looking for the perfect gift or a child eager for endless hours of entertainment, Gel Blasters emerge as the undisputed choice.

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More Information
SKU G10001
Brand Gel Blaster
Weapon Category Rifle
Weapon Powered By Electric
Construction Plastic
Variant / Platform AK
Battery Included Yes - NiMH
Charger Included Yes - NiMH

Our courier partners deliver from Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays. We will attempt to dispatch all packages within 24 hours, although at peak times this may take slightly longer. Orders with products with two-tone service or Defence Check may take longer to dispatch.

Once the order is dispatched you will get an email with the tracking number and which courier partner it’s going to be delivered via. Any missing/incorrect items need to be reported with 48hrs of signed delivery.


Click Here to Download the Returns Form (PDF Format)

Faulty Product?! Unfortunately that is part of life but be rest assured we are here to help! Contact one of our friendly staff via phone or email. Stating what the problem is, if we can resolve the problem via phone or email great if not then they will advise how to send it back and what details we require.

Two tone
We can two tone any weapon we sell at Bespoke Airsoft. The purpose for two toning is if you do not hold a valid defense under the Violent Crimes Reduction Act (VCRA, 2006) which is to prevent the misuse of Replica Weapons, which applies in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The gun will be sprayed 51% in a bright/primary color (we do only blue, green and red currently). The process of two toning currently runs at 2 working days depending on Drying Time, which is effected by Ambient Temperature and Weather. and currently no express delivery is available for this even if you select it at checkout.